It was September 20th, 2019, when the Governor of California approved AB 647. This legislation, which came into effect on July 1st, 2020, increases the legal obligations of manufacturers and importers of cosmetics containing potentially hazardous substances. This move aims to increase the safety of users of cosmetics and those who work in an environment that makes regular use of cosmetics.
A core tenet of this legislation is that manufacturers are now legally obliged to provide safety data sheets to all parties that purchase their goods. It's not just limited to this, as they're also required to post a copy of these same safety data sheets to a public website that is closely identified to the manufacturer's brand name as well as the name of the relevant product.
Translations of this information must be readily available on the manufacturer's website in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, and any other languages which are deemed to be commonly spoken in the relevant niche of the health and beauty care industry. If different colors or tints of the same products have separate safety sheets, translations for those must also be provided.
The state of California represents the 7th largest economy in the world and is a huge consumer of cosmetic products. As such, manufacturers and retailers alike cannot avoid this, and it looks set to become a fundamental part of operating a business that is involved in the manufacturer or importation of cosmetics for the foreseeable future.
This legislation was championed by the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, a grassroots organization that is a passionate advocate for improving the safety and working conditions in the nail salon sector. It's important to note, however, that this legislation is a blanket covering on all kinds of cosmetic products and not just those that are mostly used in nail salons.
Rennert Translations has years of experience working with top companies in the beauty and cosmetic industry. Take a minute to share your project and we'll get back to you right away!